It's like crack. I can't stop finding it and reading more . . . and more . . . and more. I've laughed so hard I've cried. I've forwarded to friends. It's keeping me from doing real work, and making me research how to get "I seriously doubt your commitment to SparkleMotion" icons for my computer.
I'm a grown adult, and totally in love with:
- Cleolinda's Twilight Breakdown because the chapter-by-chapter recaps are hysterical
- Letters To Twilight, who admit that's its totally uncool but really, we can't help it
- TwiCrackAddict, because how can you not love a place with "Set-Stalking Central"?
Update: All of this is over at Admittedly Obsessed, which is Twilight Central for updates, photos, and snarky comments.