Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Breaking Things At The Library

Today I learned that my mad skills as a total klutz will rear their ugly heads at the oddest moments. I broke something I'd never broken before, which you know is a real first since I am pushing 30.

I totaled a power cable at the Cameron Village library. Tripped over it and unplugged it, and then realized that I'd ended the life of the prongs permanently.


The librarian was super nice about it, though. Not so much the cranky hagster sitting at the table powering her laptop on the suddenly defunct socket. Definitely got the hairy eyeball from that one. But the librarian simply checked things over, popped up an out of order sign, and made sure I was okay. Total sweetheart.

Still feel rotten about it, though.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Tetris Improves Brain Function

I love it when I discover things that prove that my wasted youth may not have been so wasted after all. Neuroscientist Richard Haier and the BBC have done a study and interview sharing that the game increases cells and connections in the cerebral cortex.

The cerebral cortex is responsible for planning complex activity and coordinating sensory information. That seems useful, and according to the number of hours I used to play that game, I should be able to plan a camping trip to the moon in about 15 minutes without breaking a sweat. Or at least find my keys. One of the two.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Helios Coffee Company: I Love/Hate It Here

I'm having a work day at Helios Coffee Company, and as usual, mid-way through I am struck by the love-hate dichotomy I have going on with this place.

On the love side, I adore working out among the bamboo. On the hate side, they cut down a lot of it the other week to make the cafe more visible. Visible to what, people? You have a monster sign on the top of the building. You think seeing the patio is going to be the difference maker to people driving down Glenwood trying to dodge traffic?

On the love side, they serve decent sandwiches, chai, and hot chocolate. On the hate side . . . the food is only decent, and the service kind of sucks. More than a couple of times my order has been forgotten and I've had to come back multiple times to get the drink, and then the meal. All the while the three people on staff are messing around with the ipod of music or just not paying attention. It's frustrating.

They air condition the heck out of the place, too. Not a win. On the other hand, they do have wi-fi. All a girl really needs is wi-fi, right? Wi-fi, decent service, and whoever picked the emo 80's crap they are playing today to please, please get off work so someone else can run the music.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Rain or Drought

Today I am completely buried in deadlines (which is why I'm blogging, natch). Seems like it always runs as a deluge or an absolute drought! Trying to take on a new team member SS from JAA over in the UK, but not entirely sure I am comfortable with a 3rd party in the middle of the madness. We'll find out!

The same thing with work is also translating to personal. Either I have nothing going on socially, or there are more things than I can honestly get done. Know that I am skipping the glass works tour next week, and debating skipping the conference call tonight for NE Huskers. Really think I was a moron for getting on any committees over there--they are not going in a direction I am interested in at all with the Alumni Club. I just want to watch football and be happy--I don't need to impress the leaders over at the University or found any scholarships at this point in my life.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Yay for the 4th!

I am super excited for the 4th of July. Not because I have amazing plans, or because I am at home at the lake like usual, but just because I love the holiday. Something about the fireworks, the grilling out, and the sitting around just enjoying being where you are and who you are really appeals to me.

So whatever your plans may be and whatever you may be doing . . .Happy 4th of July!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Damn You, Twilight Snark

I will confess that I read all of the Twilight books. They were okay. The real problem is the pure, unadulterated genius that is the Twilight snark universe.

It's like crack. I can't stop finding it and reading more . . . and more . . . and more. I've laughed so hard I've cried. I've forwarded to friends. It's keeping me from doing real work, and making me research how to get "I seriously doubt your commitment to SparkleMotion" icons for my computer.

I'm a grown adult, and totally in love with:
There are also a whole host of videos, which I'll continue to post and update as I discover them. I'd make my list of favorites now, but I have to go eat and I want to do it in the next hour . . . .not 6 hours from now when I surface from the Rob Pattinson Chippendale spoof tape.

Update: All of this is over at Admittedly Obsessed, which is Twilight Central for updates, photos, and snarky comments.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

New Tool To Bargain Hunt

Just discovered FreshBargains, a new search tool to look for sales on the web. Essentially, it functions like Google for sales. Quite entertaining!

I looked for a few of my favorite things. Airfare turned up the JetAirways $9 fare deal, while netbooks pulled up computer websites I'd never heard of before. Blew about 40 minutes clicking through different sales postings and was very pleased with what I learned.

It does take a minute to get a feel for the format. To read something in depth, you need to click into it. I'd recommend opening it in a new window or tab to preserve your original list.